The Foundation

~ Alajawan Brown
The mission of the Alajawan Brown Foundation is to continually expand the work started in the spirit of 12 year old Alajawan Brown who selflessly gave of himself, his time, and resources – just to make a difference in the most important aspect of his community: PEOPLE.
Before the Foundation formally existed, the community was brought together for the 2nd consecutive year for the Alajawan Brown Community Family Reunion. This reunion took place April 29th at 7-Eleven, the date and place of his demise. During this 2012 fun and love-filled event, “family members” from all walks of life enjoyed live entertainment, barbeque, mashed potatoes, corn, and string beans. Sam’s Club donated bottled water, while Titu, the then owner of 7-Eleven provided small fountain drinks. It was during the 2nd Reunion, that Louis and Ayanna Brown, Alajawan’s parents, announced their desire to carry on their son’s legacy by starting the Foundation.
The Foundation, doing business as Alajawan’s Hands, has carried Alajawan’s legacy by expanding the Community Family Reunion; providing thousands of free backpacks and school supplies to local children; supplying freshly prepared Thanksgiving Day meals freely to all; and collaborating with the school district and other local and government agencies to meet the varying needs of children and their families. Alajawan’s Hands also provides scholarships for children to participate in sporting activities, attend camps, or other life- enhancing experiences, who otherwise may not be able to due to financial constraints.
Alajawan’s parents are following Alajawan’s heart by making a difference in our community. Who is our community? Me. You. Us. The PEOPLE.
Please help us in any way you can. We all say we want positive change. Let’s do it together.